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Power On Level 2. I'm writing Level 3. |
A 350-word reading passage
Exercises on a dedicated reading skill
Exercises on a dedicated grammar point
Reading comprehension questions
Target vocabulary exercises
Critical thinking questions
Aaaanyway. Here are a few rambling reflections on the past
few months of writing.
My 10 year-old self
knew best
When I was a kid, I wrote and wrote and wrote. My teachers
told me I was good at it, and I had faith in my own abilities. I wanted to be
an author or a journalist (I also wanted to be a detective, briefly, and spent
a number of Saturdays experimentally dusting the neighbours’ fences for
fingerprints and running errands for my mother ‘in disguise’, but it’s easier to
gloss over that for the purposes of this post). But something happened
during adolescence that even now I can’t explain – I left school not knowing
what I wanted to do. Where did the writing dream go? Did I start to understand
how competitive a field it was, and how much I was opening myself up to the
possibility of failure? Had I just gotten distracted by too many teenagery
things? I drifted in and out of jobs and courses until I found teaching which,
don’t get me wrong, I still love. But having started purposeful writing again I
realise how much I also love that process, and how much I wish the confidence
of my younger self had managed to smother my later neuroses.
You become what you
say you are
When I joined Twitter I wrote on my profile that I was a
‘teacher / trainer / freelance writer’. A somewhat surprised friend asked me
what I was writing, and I was forced to admit that I was only actually um
applying for things and it was all a bit presumptuous; a month later, I had the
Power On contract in my hand. A month after that a restaurant owner friend
asked me to write the copy for her recipe book, and a few months after that, a
local photographer asked me to write copy for his website. Believing I had the
right to call myself a writer has made other people believe in me too. What other
areas of my life can I apply this to…?
Interesting work
doesn’t feel like work
...and the sun rises in the east, giraffes are quite tall,
etc. We all know that tailoring classes to students’ interests (within reason) is
likely to produce better results. You wouldn’t force a class of young adults to
read about, oh I don’t know, insurance policies, would you? Ahem. The last
Power On unit I wrote was on the topic of insurance – not my decision, needless
to say – and I may be way off the mark here, projecting my own preferences onto
a class of financial-services-obsessed undergraduates, but I just can’t see it capturing
the imagination. Writing it was an interminable struggle (although I became
quite disturbed by how easy it was to vomit such gems as ‘Home is where happy
memories are made. Safeguard yours by investing in our ever-popular building
and contents policy. Exemptions may apply’) so I can’t imagine how dull it will
be for the students upon whom the chapter is eventually foisted. Conversely,
for the previous unit, I did a personal interview with a teacher here in
There are 36 separate
reading skills?!
Am I contributing to
a faulty system?
This sounds ridiculous, but I’m not sure whether I’m writing
a class book or a self-study book. The introductory exercises are supposed to
include ‘work with a partner’ type activities, and yet the grammar page
must be written as explanation >
example > instructions > exercise, with no open-ended questions
like, ‘Can you see a pattern in the phrases below?’ that could be discussed in
lessons. I can only surmise that the books will be used in classes where the
teacher doesn’t speak much English, and sees their primary role as reading out
a handful of answers every 20 minutes and assigning any uncompleted exercises
as homework. Not a cheering thought. Is it unethical of me to write this kind
of book without challenging its structure?
Does the contemporary
ELT world even need any more coursebooks?
Just a thought.
Corpora have got a
whole lot better since 2006
The last time I used a corpus in any real sense was six
years ago, as part of a degree module. We received a trimmed-down version of the
BNC (British National Corpus) on CD-ROM and in terms of usability it was roughly
akin to BBC BASIC (10 PRINT “LOOK AROUND YOU” / 20 GOTO 1O etc). How things can
move on without you even noticing! A quick Google search now yields a plethora
of user-friendly corpora, which have been invaluable in creating vaguely authentic
sentences to test target vocabulary. I know I’ll be using them much more often
when I return to classroom teaching this September. (By the way, you should totally watch this 10-minute Look Around You video. Edtech at its zenith.)
I have more free time
than I think
I’m managing to write a coursebook at the same time as
working, and I’ve managed to write this post in two hours today at the same
time as writing a coursebook. I need to sharpen my time management skills J
If you have any experience of coursebook writing and would
like to chuck any advice in the direction of this rookie it’d be gratefully
received below.
* Or is it? Check out Michael Griffin’s blog post on EFL vs
ESL vs ESOL vs TESOL vs ELT here.
I really enjoyed reading you post..as an ELT (or whatever acronym!) writer, it's fascinating to get some insight in another writer's process.
ReplyDeleteI think I've been lucky in that I haven't been given quite such strict guidelines or topics as you seem to have been. I say lucky because I completely agree with you that when you can engage with what you're writing it just flows and is completely absorbing. When you can't (generally progress tests for me!), it is much more like wading through treacle.
I don't think it's unethical to write something which you aren't comfortable with (as no doubt it's exactly what someone somewhere really wants), but I do think it isn't much fun.
Having said that, constraints, as long as you're OK with them, can be quite pleasantly challenging (going a bit Shades of Grey here?!). I'm currently writing a digital product (no names, no details!) which aims to develop the microskills needs for a well known English language exam. It's quite tough to develop skills (rather than test them) using only tools like drag and drop and multiple choice. But I'm kind of enjoying the challenge.
Thanks so much for reading / commenting / reassuring! Grateful :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post - it really rang a few bells! I've spent a lot my EFL writing career doing lots of rather proscribed activity-writing type jobs - some of which I quite specifically asked NOT to have my name on! I think it's great training and also means that when you get onto a project where you've got a bit more freedom (if you decide to carry on down that route), you'll have lots of basics in place which your editor/publisher will love and will make the whole thing much easier.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually just writing my first proper, full-on - here's-a-load-of-blank-pages-fill-them - textbook too and I'm itching to blog about the experience, but will have to wait until it's finished for reasons of confidentiality. (Oh know, have I said too much already?!)
I really hope the book does well (are you getting royalties or was it for a fee?) and you carry on writing :)